Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary: Krishna Under the Ocean

How Krishna Went Under the Ocean by Edmund Charles Cox (1887).

In this story Krishna and Balaram learn all the sciences that are known to man in less than a week. That is amazing! I can’t imagine how useful that would be to have the capacity to cover and retain all of that material so quickly. In return their teacher only wants his son back who was swallowed by a beast in the ocean. Krishna has learned to love their teacher for teaching him practically everything he knows so he takes this situation personally. He approaches the ocean with anger and demands to have the boy returned to his father. The ocean is frightened of him, but will not help because it did not take the boy. It tells him that a dragon named Shankhasur who resides in a shell at the bottom of the ocean took him. Therefor, Krishna walks straight into the ocean to find the beast that had taken the boy. He finds Shankhasur and cuts off his head. Then he rips open his stomach, but to his surprise the boy is not there. He keeps the shell of the beast and turns it into a weapon, then continues his search. He then heads to the city of the angel of death. Whenever king Yam, the ruler of the city, saw Krishna coming he fetched the boy and presented him to Krishna immediately. He pleaded for forgiveness and Krishna pardones him. He returns to his teacher with the boy and then returns home. This is an awesome story that could be altered in so many ways, but my favorite idea is to change it from a narrator style to either letters or a diary entry written by Krishna. 

Vishnu Under the Ocean from Wikipedia

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