Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary: PDE Mahabharata

PDE Mahabharata by Sister Nivedita (1914), Donald A. Mackenzie (1913), and John Mandeville Macfie (1921).

The tale of Vyasa’s birth is very interesting. It is said that Uparichara’s semen just falls out his flying crystal car into a river below and that a fish swallows it gives birth to a boy and a girl ten months later. I could possibly switch up the type of animal that swallows the semen. The girl is beautiful, but has a fishy smell. Apparently she does not like this because she agrees to sleep with a man to get rid of it. From that Vyasa is born. This story already has so much imagination, which gives it tons of room to be altered or expanded on. Maybe I could focus more on king Uparichara and his relationship with the gods. It would be a cool story if he actually wanted to rob them of their power like they suspected of him.

Bhishma captures the three daughters of the king of Kashi in battle and takes them home to make them brides of Vichitravirya. There are several things that could be one with this story. Maybe I could focus on the story of that battle. I could have him fall in love with the princesses and run away to wed them himself. This would surely cause a lot of conflict with Vichitravirya. I really like my one of my previous stories that was written as letters home from Lakshmana to his mother. Something similar could be done here with one of the captured daughters writing home to her family about her voyage.

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