Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary continued: PDE Ramayana

PDE Ramayana Part D by Geraldine Hodgson (1903), Donald A. Mackenzie (1913), Sister Nivedita (1914), and Frederika Richardson Macdonald (1870).

The whole army cannot make it to Lanka because of the gap of water. Hanuman is the only one that can cross because of his super powers. Rama asks the gods for help, but receives nothing so he begins attacking the ocean. This upsets the god of the ocean who rises up in anger. Rama is able to talk his way into getting a bridge. Rama attacks the city, and in panic Ravana tries to trick Sita into thinking that Rama is dead. He has one of his men bring in a head and bow that look identical to Rama’s and she begins to cry. He is then called to battle and the props disappear and Sita realizes what has happened. Ravanas son Indrajit is a powerful man and is severely wounding Rama’s army. I like this part of the story because we have an idea what direction the story is headed, but things are not looking good for our protagonist. We know that things will probably work out for him because we have been told that the gods put him in this situation to kill Ravana for them. After they win the war, Rama tells Sita he cannot accept her after she has lived with another man so long. She walks into a fire and returns unharmed by the gods. Rama was just testing her and she passed. I like that he does this just to make sure that she never had betrayed his trust. He then accepts her back.

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