Monday, February 8, 2016

Week 4 Reading Diary continued: The Divine Archer

The Divine Archer by F. J. Gould (1911).

Hanuman has amazing jumping abilities. It would be fun to do a story on him acquiring his ability via a favor he does for the gods in his younger days. I could also show how he has used his ability for either good or bad throughout his life and how that has led him to where he is at in this story.

In this story the ocean god gives Rama the advice to build a bridge over the sea to reach Lanka because they can’t all jump like Hanuman. I could twist this story to where the ocean god does not want a bridge built over him. He could repeatedly tear it down and be a protector of Lanka so that Rama is forced to kill him in order to advance.

I could write about Rama and Sita’s twin sons Lava and Kusha. They were born in the home of Valmiki. It would be fun to twist the story to where they were actually Valmiki’s sons rather than Rama’s. Or I could tell the story of their childhood and what they do growing up until Rama comes and visits them.

I think its kind of sad that Sita asks the earth to take her as soon as she is reunited with Rama. Most of the story I was looking forward to Sita and Rama reuniting after Ravana took her away. From that point they really don’t spend much time together again. I would rewrite the story to let them grow old together in happiness.

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