Monday, January 18, 2016

Introduction to a Petroleum Engineer

I was born and raised in Edmond, Oklahoma where I attended Deer Creek Schools. I participated in various school sports throughout junior high and high school including football, cross-country, wrestling, track, and golf. I only stuck with cross-country and track all the way through.

I am currently a senior majoring in petroleum engineering. I chose engineering because I like to know how and why things work. I think the petroleum industry is really cool because it’s the techniques and technology are always changing and improving and it is a big component of the Oklahoma economy. My goal is to work for an exploration and production company for a few years before starting my own independent oil and gas company.

My favorite food is biscuits and gravy, but I like all breakfast foods a lot. So I guess in general breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. For lunch and dinner my favorite options include macaroni and cheese, pizza, fettuccini alfredo, nachos, and wings.

My favorite thing to do in the summer is go to the lake because there is so much to do. There is a good mix of exciting and relaxing activities to so that everyone has options while still hanging out with each other. In the winter and spring I like to go snowboarding. Skiing/snowboarding isn’t as interactive with friends as going to the lake, but its more thrilling. I don’t think you can call something a hobby after only doing it once, but I went skydiving a couple years ago and would love to go again whenever I get a chance.

A picture of water-skiers from Wikipedia.

I have three miniature wiener dogs named Bo, Shadow, and Rascal. They sleep most of the day, but when they are awake they like to chase squirrels.

My favorite books are Ender’s Game and the Count of Monte Cristo. My favorite movies include Gladiator, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, V for Vendetta, and Catch Me if You Can. Game of Thrones, True Detective, Arrested Development, Friends, Archer, South Park, and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia are among my favorite TV shows.


  1. Hey Taler! I have to agree with you, breakfast is the best! My family makes the best bacon and pancakes. I also love the lake. It is my favorite thing to do over the summer as well! Wake boarding is my favorite boat activity. I am so completely jealous of you going sky diving! I have always wanted to go but I have not been able to get anyone to go with me! It is nice to meet you! Good luck in the class!

  2. Hi, Taler!

    I’ll be honest, I chose to take a look at your blog because your name is so unique! Is it pronounced like Taylor?
    I normally try to pick out things I have in common with the poster when I comment on these (I took Dr. Gibbs other course class last semester so I have some practice), but there were so many things I like that you also like! I loooove breakfast food—all food for that matter. Going to the lake is one of my favorite things to do in the summer, I live in decent proximity to Grand Lake and Fort Gibson Lake, so we go all the time! Waterskiing is my favorite. I also am a huge fan of Gladiator and Game of Thrones. The Game of Thrones books are actually some of my favorites.
    So nice getting to know you, and I hope your semester goes well!

  3. Taler Buck,

    Nice meet you, my name is Christian. I am a huge fan of breakfast food myself. My go to plate is the classic toast eggs and bacon. Lately I have enjoyed throwing grilled onions into the mix as well. Game of thrones is one of my favorite series too. However, I still need to catch up on the last season though, .

  4. I bet your dogs are so cute, Taler! My two cats both like to chase squirrels, and every once in a while they catch one. If they cooperated, they could probably catch more squirrels, but when they are not chasing squirrels they are chasing each other. Boy-cat and girl-cat do NOT get along. And if you like Ender's Game (I am a huge Orson Scott Card fan!), you might want to play around with some science-fiction styles of storytelling. That can really work for stories with epic characters, gods and goddesses, etc. Someone did a whole Storybook with an outer space setting last year and it turned out really cool. Here it is if you are curious: Onboard the Spaceship Pushpaka ... and of course there is a good Game-of-Thrones vibe with all the royalty and the battles. I hope you will enjoy the class!

  5. Taler I have to say your movie choice is impeccable. Those are some of arguably the best movies I’ve seen! Especially fight club (I did NOT see that ending)! Your reasoning for becoming a petroleum engineer is refreshing. Getting behind the scenes and seeing how everything operates is definitely cool. I can only imagine how much fun you had skydiving. You sound like a very active person so I bet you’ll find the opportunity to go again some day!

  6. I am so a Game of Thrones fan as well. We end up ordering HBO just for the month to bing watch GoT! Also love Archer. It is hilarious!

    I am a big fan of the lake and ocean myself. One of my all time favorite things to do is go sit on the piers in Galveston and listen to the ocean in it’s never ending battle with the shore. Completely invigorating!

  7. Hey Taler,

    I am also a Petroleum Engineer but I am currently a junior. I also like to go to the lake and wakeboard/water ski. It is one of my favorite things to do with friends. Also, I enjoy watching all of the movies you mentioned, especially Fight Club and Gladiator. I have not watched It’s Always Sunny, but that is definitely on my list.

    Anyways, it was nice to meet you.

  8. Hello Taler! I am a fellow petroleum engineer as well. A senior too (graduating in May), so I'm not sure how we have not crossed paths thus far.
    It sounds like you're able to get a lot of TV time in! I have seen a few of the movies you names as your favorite, I might have to try some of the others.

  9. Hey Taler, it is nice to meet you. I lived in Edmond for a year too and I really liked Edmond. I wish you all the best for your goal on starting your own independent oil and gas company. I love wings and pizza too. I really like the image that you used in your introduction. It is a perfect picture to show your love for outdoor activities.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Well, well, well we meet again ‘deer’ ole friend! What can you say, creek runs deep! Hope you're having a great senior year bud! I love that you took on engineering! I definitely think you will go very far in life with this career and I hope that you do! I can totally see you skydiving though. I would never do such a horrific experience, but it comes to no shock that you are capable of doing anything risky (especially with haircuts!) Keep in touch!

  12. Hi Taler, it is very nice to meet you. It just so happens that I am also from Edmond, Oklahoma and I went to Deer Creek for a couple years way back in the day. I think it's great that you are passionate about petroleum engineering, and hopefully you do achieve your professional goals and impact Oklahoma's economy in the future. Also, V for Vendetta is one of my all-time favorite movies. I watched it when it was first released with my dad, but I had no idea what was going on because I was a naive middle-schooler. Now that I understand the movie's concept, I just can't get enough of it. I look forward to reading your stories later on!

  13. Suhh dude,

    It's nice to chat again. I am also from Edmond; however, I wouldn't consider deer creek to be in Edmond:/ That's pretty sweet you are doing petroleum engineering and about to graduate, me too! I feel you on the biscuits and gravy. Definitely my favorite breakfast food, just too many carbs so I can't eat it too much. I also love the lake and snowboarding! We're so similar. I can't decide if I ever want to go skydiving because I'm scared of heights, but I bet it is awesome. Alright, well I'll see you back at the house tomorrow.

  14. Thanks for sharing a little info about yourself, Taler! If you like skydiving, you and my friend Dana would get along well. She went skydiving a few years ago and would like to do it again. Me? I'm afraid of heights, so I keep my feet on the ground and in the airplane. I definitely have to admire anyone who is able to get a degree in Petroleum Engineering. I watched a few of my friends go through the program. All they ever did was study. You must be excited to graduate!

  15. Hello Taler,
    I am also an Engineer, but I am Computer Science major. It is always nice to see someone related to similar field. However, I am not a big fan of breakfast, but I do love lunch and dinner. It was nice getting to know you. Wish you all the best with starting your own oil and gas company.

  16. Taler, I enjoyed your list of your favorite foods. I can tell that you really like food. Haha. I also love breakfast food and especially biscuits and gravy! Do you ski or snowboard? I LOVE skiing! My favorite place to go is Crested Butte in Colorado. You watch some really great tv shows; True Detective, Friends, and South Park are among my favorites.

  17. Hi Taler,

    I am glad to meet you Taler. I am so happy to red that you have weiner dogs! My very first dog is a wiener dog! I am a big Game of Thrones, Arrested Development, and South Park fan. I love watching these shows on my spare time. I cannot imagine skydiving! That is something I find fascinating about people!

  18. Hey, breakfast is also my favorite meal of the day. I recently had chicken and waffles and it was AMAZING, have you had that before? Also I LOVE Archer! Definitly one of my favorite shows. Have you seen Bob's Burgers? Bob does the same voice as Archer. H. Jon Benjamin (the voice actor) is one of my favorite voice actors, and I love both of those shows a lot.

    Also, your Summer's sound so fun and cool! I\ve never done anything like all the interesting activities that you participate in.

    Anyway, nice to meet you!

  19. Hi Taler!

    It was nice reading all about you. It seems like you really know where you want to go in life which is great! Petroleum Engineering is an awesome field of study and I wish you the best! I’m so jealous that you have gone skydiving because I’ve really wanted to go for so long! Your introduction really made me hungry from all the talk of food (wings are life).

  20. It’s nice meeting you finally Taler! I Hope you have enjoyed this class as much as I have. You sound like and adrenaline junkie, which is totally okay. I’m just jealous I’m not brave enough to go skydiving. I would have to be pushed out of the plane for it to happen…well…blindfolded and pushed out of the plane. I’m also in awe of your degree choice, It’s not often I hear that degree come up. It is a completely relevant and smart career choice! Good luck with the rest of this year : )
