Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Storybook Favorites

The Children's Biblical Zoo! by Kelsie Heitman


The title of this storybook is familiar to me; it tells us who the characters are in the story. The topic of the story is portrayed well in the introduction. The intro’s creatively talks to the reader welcoming them to the zoo. The introduction definitely makes me want to read the story. The page has wallpaper with animals all over it and colorful words and boxes to go along with the child theme. This is the best layout I saw out of all the storybooks I viewed. Some of the design features would be good to use in my own project. Below is a picture of the introduction page from this storybook.

Screenshot of The Children's Biblical Zoo!

Storybook: Tales of Ganesha from India to Norman


The title is not familiar to me. Just from the title you are not able to tell what the story is going to be about but you can tell whom it is about. The introduction is a good description of the story. The introduction grabs your attention by talking directly to the reader and making it feel like you are part of a conversation. The page layout is very generic; it does not affect my reaction to introduction at all. The images are used well together to help the reader visualize the character as well as the setting of the story.

Storybook: Indian Horror Story: Tales of the Lingering Souls by Hoang Truong


This title is familiar and does a good job of describing what the storybook is about. The introduction really makes me want to read the stories. The author uses very descriptive words and dialogue to make the reader feel as if they are in the story. A black background and a creepy photo are utilized in the layout match the theme. I would like to use the color of the page and the word font to set the mood in a similar way to this storybook’s layout.

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