Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Tech Tip: Blog Profile

I think a persons online identity is important. To the people you know only through the internet, its their only impression of you. Peoples opinions aren't everything, but when you are looking for a job it is necessary to look professional. Ive never put too much thought into it other than just trying to be professional in recent years. I put a picture of myself from Peru as my profile picture and a nice generic picture as my background. I also kept my name displayed on my profile.

1 comment:

  1. Taler,

    You got that right. It is amazing what people think that employers don’t see. I was a corporate trainer at a company and we had to fire several people over a period of time due to what they had said on social media about the company. So if you don’t think your future employers are looking at your stuff think again. Great idea to keep your information simple and uncluttered and to only show a positive face.
