Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Learning Challenges

Happiness and health, empathy, attention, reading, and time management are all very important in our lives. By mastering these aspects, we can learn to accomplish more and get more out of everything we do.

The jelly bean video really put into perspective how short of time we have to accomplish all that we want to. That being said, time management is the area I feel is most important for me to focus on. It is easy for me to get caught watching TV or doing the fun things throughout the day and saving the things that are most beneficial to me until the end of the day. By doing this I usually end up rushing the important things or not getting all of the way through them. The famous concept "work before play" goes well with the time management idea.

Happiness is the first one on the H.E.A.R.T. list for a reason. Happiness is one of the most important facets of life right behind our religious beliefs. Lucky for me happiness and health are a major driving force in my life already, so I can focus my time on improving in the other areas of the list. I found a blog with a lot of good quotes about happiness. You can visit it here at The Six Steps to Overcoming Adversity

Picture by Jack Doueck 

Empathy is very important in relationships. We all have relationships with people around us, but how good is our relationship with them? Empathetic people are able to take those relationships to the next level. I think relationships are a big contributor to happiness and, therefor, that empathy is very important. 

Health and happiness, time management, and empathy are the three most important parts of H.E.A.R.T. to me, but I think that all of them are important in their own ways. These learning strategies will be beneficial to anyone who uses them. I look forward to working with them more later  on in this class. 


  1. Taler,

    Very interesting post. I like the fact that you talk about happiness and your interpersonal relationships. I unfortunately have felt that my interpersonal relationships have suffered due to coming back to school but think that the end goal of a bachelors is important. Having empathy is important so that you can understand where other people are coming from in their lives. Good post.

  2. I agree with you when you say that it is important to have all of these qualities. I believe that without even one you are lacking. In many ways, they depend on each other. For example, if you have time management, then you can finish the hard work efficiently and enjoy the free time you have earned (happiness) instead of adding stress.

  3. Hi Taler,

    I love the image you used! It is very motivating. This may sound weird but I like to save what I call “happy images” and I actually like to look through them in my spare time or when I am having a ruff time. The aspects that you chose are actually the most important to me as well.
